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"Ghostnet is coming home!!"

Last net retrieval weekend for this year on Rügen. What a day!

After 5 years of searching, Wolfgang Frank discovered a lost net at a depth of 40 meters in the spring. Together with our cooperation partners from Baltic Sea Explorer, we were able to recover a small part of this monster net in April.

A local fisherman had got his net stuck on a tube that had been lost during the construction of a wind farm.

For the recovery of a large trawl net from a depth of >40 meters off Rügen

3000€ donation from NRC /ENOS

(Images and text by Sabine Kerkau)

The Baltic Sea Heritage Rescue Project has been supported by ENOS System since the beginning of 2019. Christiane Linkenbach and Karl Hansmann, the developers of the ENOS System, were honored with the BOOT Dive Award this year and donated the prize money, 3000€, for a trawl salvage planned this year by the Baltic Sea Heritage Rescue Project off Rügen.

(See also press release

(Pictures and Text by Sabine Kerkau)

Official brevet in ghost net retrieval for club members and the BSNHPA team

At BOOT 2024, Sabine Kerkau received an offer from the SDI/TDI training organization to have two instructors certified as official instructors in “ghost net retrieval”. Sabine suggested Tom Kürten and Rolandas Schön. Both were trained at BOOT by Mark Powell and appointed as instructors for recovering ghost nets.

We have now been able to offer our members courses with certification since the middle of this year. This training increases the quality of our work and underwater safety. We are very grateful to SDI/TDI for this valuable support.

BSHRP Bergungsteam profitiert gleich doppelt vom ENOS®-System

Rügen - Gigantic ghost network in a vacation paradise

Sassnitz/Bergneustadt - The Baltic Sea Heritage Rescue Project (BSHRP) is used to tough conditions. Sabine Kerkau and her team have dedicated themselves to freeing the underwater world of the Baltic Sea from dangerous ghost nets that have been lost by commercial fishermen and have remained uncontrolled in the sea ever since - where they cause great harm.

Member education

First SDI/TDI course “Ghostnet Recovery Diver”

From 27 to 29 September, the first SDI/TDI course “Ghostnet Recovery Diver” with recognized certification took place on the island of Rügen.

The course was led by Tom Kürten. He was supported by Wolfgang Frank. This course is a prerequisite for participation in network recovery projects from 2025. The next course will take place from December 13 to 15 in Hemmoor. Only our club members have the opportunity to attend this course.

Salvage nets

Net search and documentation off the Estonian coast.

Sabine Kerkau visited the wrecks off the Estonian coast for the project and the association to get an idea of the net situation.

She had the same experience as in Sweden. Many wrecks are full of nets. Here, too, she found the carcasses of seals and fish in the nets.

Baltic Sea Nature & Heritage Protection Association e.V.

The BSNHPA e.V. is an association in which people from many countries volunteer, who care about the protection of the Baltic Sea above and under water.

They find and remove lost ghost nets, search for, identify and document wrecks to protect them and keep their stories alive. The organization is funded by donations and public funds. The Baltic Sea Heritage Rescue Project works closely with universities, ministries and archaeologists as well as museum.

Diving operations are carried out at depths of up to 100 meters. Only divers trained and experienced for the particular depth are used.

The Baltic Sea Nature & Heritage Protection Association e.V. is a non-profit organization founded in Germany.

Baltic Sea Heritage Rescue Project (Kopie)

The Baltic Sea Heritage Rescue Project is a project of our association in which people from many countries volunteer, who care about the protection of the Baltic Sea above and under water.

They find and remove lost ghost nets, search, identify and document wrecks to protect them and keep their stories alive.

What we do ...


Locate and recover ghost nets and ensure proper disposal.

Search for, identify, document and protect wrecks.

Joint projects with fishing associations and local fishermen to protect the Baltic Sea ecosystem.

Help us with your donation

Donation by bank transfer to:

Account holder: Baltic Sea Nature & Heritage Protection Association e.V.
Bank information:

IBAN DE98 4306 0967 1067 6119 00


Thank you for your support!

Our Partners

BSHRP partners with businesses, governments, nonprofits and other organizations. Our partners contribute more than money. Their ideas, volunteer power, in-kind support and more contribute to the protection of the Baltic Sea

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